Saturday, 7 April 2012

Ancillary Part Two - Update!

Progress has been made within my digi-pak. I decided to choose the alternative style of producing my CD insert, something I believe has turned out well. 

The back of my insert - As you can see it is very similar to a film poster due to Steel Tongs being used at the bottom. Bruno Mars is bold along with Doowops & Hooligans (the name of the album). However, I believe that it is the image that confirms, that although it looks like a film poster, it is not. 

My actual CD. As you can see it is very simplistic, something that I aimed for as the insert itself is very complex. The repetition of 'Bruno Mars' really stands out and is a continuous theme throughout.

As you can see this is the other side of my fold out insert. Certain sections of the  insert are upside down, however when folded correctly all the images are where they should be. The background of the insert is the repetition of 'Bruno Mars' - again continuing the theme.

Again, the same image but with the alternative view. 

As you can see on this side of the insert (see above) film reels have been used on the top, middle and bottom. This movie theme continues on from using Steel Tongs on the poster side of my insert. I believe that this ancillary task has worked well, especially with using the conventions of a generic film poster. The elements of the film poster will be used on my second ancillary task. 

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