Tuesday, 28 February 2012


Whilst working on our individual ancillary tasks as a group we begun the editing of our video and have each discovered that Premiere Pro is a very hard programme to use! However, simple techniques (possibly the most important?!) have been mastered within this software - importing footage, editing the actual picture such as the brightness, cutting, changing footage around have been found to be extremely useful in the day to day editing. 

The timeline of the video still has several gaps, something that is to be expected, however, hopefully with an hour or so each day working on the editing software the video will start to take shape. 

However, a fly in the ointment is that another group uses the VEM machine that we use - something that has delayed the editing process, however both groups have compromised and we each have our set days for editing.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Ancillary Task - Pictures for poster!

For this ancillary task I had to take new photos and using my previous research of Bruno Mars' personal pictures I took my own using certain characteristics of Bruno Mars. 

Similarly, a collage of pictures was created using our groups actor. As you can see certain poses have been mimicked to portray the actor correctly. Nearly all of the backgrounds are plain, again similar to the images of Bruno Mars, however as a group we decided to give our own touch to the image and placed the actor outside and in front of a colourful shed, a representation of the fun and spontaneity within the song. 

A favourite image of mine was taken and edited within Photoshop. A black fade used around the image - a trait that I would hope to continue throughout the rest of my ancillary tasks.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Poster Research - Part Two!

I am hoping to achieve a poster that will advertise an upcoming gig for Bruno Mars. However, very rarely does Bruno Mars market his shows in this way, due to the majority of it being on-line, yet there are a select few that Bruno Mars has produced for his tours. 

It can be seen that Bruno Mars sticks to his house colours for his promotional packages - yellow and cream. These colours are continuous throughout his CD. 

It also appears that posters which have been altered to look cartoon like are popular as a theme. The Flaming Lips also use this effect. 

And also the 'Distillers' 

Although these two posters are not of the same genre that Bruno Mars is, it is interesting to take into account how the effect of using cartoons has been used throughout many genres. 

Ancillary Task - Poster Research

For my ancillary tasks I was asked to create two elements that would be included within a promotional package. I have decided that one of my tasks will be a promotional poster - something that could perhaps be used to advertise an upcoming gig or the album release. 

To really understand the type of images that would be required for the poster, I collected images of Bruno Mars from Google so that I could study his pose/body language and then use elements of this in the photos that I would take.

The four images that have been studied here, aside from one (the top left) show a young and modern man, with each pose rather similar and also standing against a wall - a factor that I like and will use for my own pictures.